Below is a full record of the questions asked of me, and my responses when submitting an appeal for having my art deleted on Instagram. While this feels like a deep and personal violation, I am willing to work with platforms like IG to learn and grow.
Images censored for “sexual activity”:

How did Instagram get the decision wrong?
Hello and thank you for your time. In this case and a few before that have led me to this point, my work displaying non-sexual, loving affection between people have been deleted after receiving enormous positive response from my audience. None of these posts have displayed sexual activity (though labeled as such), and the nudity displayed is consistent with various other works allowed on the platform. This follows a trend of seeing various other queer artists face the same treatment for paintings, illustrations and photographs ("We [allow] paintings, sculptures, and other art that depicts nude figures.") Much of this is inconsistent with Instagram's written policy. In the policy it states "We understand that nudity can be shared for a variety of reasons, including as a form of protest, to raise awareness about a cause, or for educational or medical reasons." My work is viewed globally in museums, magazines, and public displays as a form of education to expand conversation around body and LGBTQ acceptance. It continues to puzzle me why this work is censored from Instagram. I am aware that when content goes against Instagram's rules, the algorithm can remove content within minutes, however all of my posts in question have remained live for almost an hour or more, with upwards of 5,000-10,000 likes and hundreds of positive comments, proving people's genuine interest and support of the work. It is clear that the work is making it to the explore page and being reported by people who don't even follow my work. Having artistic work deleted that has been thoughtfully created over long periods of time to represent a communities' identity is harmful and violent towards said community. I would encourage you to reconsider these decisions and make amends not just in the form of returning my deleted posts, but in erasing my "debt" and threat of account being deleted, and re-working this inconsistent system of censorship for all queer artists' sake. Thank you for your time.
Why did you post this content?
The content in question is a personal and communal display to celebrate love. It is part of a larger body of work that celebrates human connection in its most pure form. The work also features beautiful environments and talks about a return to connection with nature. This work is celebrated in many places and clearly makes a positive impact on all who view it, you can read extensive comments on the post- there is not a single negative comment. I think Instagram has misunderstood all of my posts that have been deleted. I hope we can open up a conversation as to why this continues to happen, and how we can find a workable solution for artists around the globe facing this same discrimination and harmful censorship. I find it interesting that extremely violent content is allowed to remain on the platform with a warning applied, yet meaningful human interactions are completely deleted, and those creatives are threatened to have their whole page deleted. This is harmful and inconsistent.
Does this content involve important social issues?
This content is focused on celebrating LGBTQ connection and love, as well as a return to respecting and engaging with our natural environment. All of my work focuses on these important social issues and is extremely impactful to my audience and community. I've had people write and tell me they wanted to commit suicide but saw a piece I photographed and wrote about, and it helped them to stay alive. I have now had conversations with hundreds of individuals and artists who have faced this same form of censorship and had negative impacts on their mental health as a result. Ren Hang, a profound Chinese artist, committed suicide after having his work repeatedly censored and destroyed by his own government. Seeing Instagram censor beautiful, thoughtful, harmless art feels similar to that unfortunate scenario. Queer people face many obstacles in this society from having our existence questioned. Imagine how it feels to put your all into a piece that is celebrated by your community, only to have the number one platform for sharing art reject and delete the piece with no real conversation. Reversing this decision will be a victory for our community, but I would also implore the people reading this to consider making larger changes to this censoring process to better reflect the real communities using your platform and allowing it to thrive.
Provide a summary for your submission
LGBTQ art and bodies in non-sexual content should not be censored
Is there anything else you think the board should know?
I understand Instagram is a large, global platform with millions of different users and ideals. At the end of the day, censoring one communities form of expression to accommodate another is not protecting anyone, but rather causing harm and diminishing the opportunity for progress. There was a time where women could not vote because society at large had accepted that as normal. Black, brown and LGBTQ people have been persecuted since history books were written. It is not without empathy and the consideration of another person's reality that society is allowed to progress and improve for all its citizens. I hope the brilliant minds behind a platform like Instagram can recognize and see this as an opportunity for growth.
Which languages were used in your content?
Which countries is this content relevant to?
United States, Colombia, Mexico (the whole world would have been my preferred choice)
What keywords best describe your content?
Art / Writing / Poetry, Freedom of expression, Sex and gender equality
What can be shared about you with the public?
Do you give permission for the board to share details that could easily identify you in its explanation?
Do you give permission for the board to share data with special protections about you in its explanation?